WT Library

Jost Hochuli (Gutenberg Galaxie, #1)

Jost Hochuli (Gutenberg Galaxie, #1)

Author(s): Bose, Jost Hochuli, Philipp Luidl, Hans D Willberg Günter K

Language(s): German

Pages: 96

Year: 2000

Publisher: Hochschule f. Grafik u. Buchkunst Leipzig

URL: http://www.amazon.com/Jost-Hochuli-Gutenberg-Galaxie-1/dp/3932865235%3FSubs…

ISBN: 3932865235

Abstract: Book Description: Hochuli shows that there can be a theory without teaching that new traditions can be created without destroying old traditions. Awarded 2000 'Best Book of Germany'

Category: Graphic Design

Location: Arnhem