WT Library

Tobias Spichtig Paintings

Tobias Spichtig Paintings

Author(s): Ascari, Alessio

Designer(s): Schifferli, Teo; Fretz, Fabian

Language(s): English, German

Pages: 136

Year: 2021

Publisher: Kaleidoscope

ISBN: 978-88-97185-14-7

Abstract: Spanning five key years—from 2016–2021—of his artistic production (and the world at large), the first hardcover monograph dedicated to Tobias Spichtig’s work presents a high-definition snapshot of the Swiss artist’s aesthetic vision. Published by KALEIDOSCOPE, the book is designed by Teo Schifferli and features an essay by Caroline Busta as well as fictional stories by Theresa Patzschke. With titles as deadpan as the iconography it features, Spichtig’s output—95 works rendered variously in oil, acrylic, graphite, diamond dust, and photographic prints on canvas—picks up an idiom of critical pop painting where the likes of Warhol and Kippenberger left off. Tobias Spichtig (Swiss, b. 1982) lives and works in Zürich and Berlin. His work has been exhibited at the Swiss Institute, New York; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Spazio Maiocchi, Milan; and Centre d'Art Contemporain – La Synagogue, Delme; among other art institutions.

Category: Art/Artist book

Contributor(s): Hazen, Emma

Location: Arnhem