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Traversing the Wilderness of Time and Media

Traversing the Wilderness of Time and Media

Author(s): Sanvincenti, Davor

Year: 2015

Publisher: MMSU

City: Rijeka

URL: https://mmsu.hr/dogadaji/davorin-sanvincenti-traversing-wilderness-time-med…

Abstract: Traversing the Wilderness of Time and Media travelogue is dedicated to anonymous landscapes, the search for lost or stumbled pieces of time, but also a visual essay that advocates imagination, tenderness and warmth as principles of personal and then shared space. He leans towards the poeticization of everyday life, its true grayness in spite of it. Wind noise in the landscape… Reflections of light near the lake… The sound of early frost or persistent November.\\Perhaps this minimum of sensation offered serves to calm, silence, and sharpen the one who experiences it to the same finest possible level of perception. By silencing our own thoughts, we will eventually feel most of ourselves. (Evelina Turković) And maybe that is what we are most afraid of? The power of self-deception seems to miss the mark. The uncertainty and uncertainty of modern times is not manifested somewhere outside of us, but within us. Although seemingly contradictory, there could be a turning point. Invoking Thoreau, it is a conscious movement through the fringes of history when the myths of technological progress and continuous growth are rapidly collapsing. It is a recognition of the teeth of time, but also a time filled with lucidity.

Category: Exhibition Catalog

Location: Arnhem