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Freud on Holiday. Volume IV. A Cavernous Defile. Part I

Freud on Holiday. Volume IV. A Cavernous Defile. Part I

Author(s): Kivland, Sharon,\Farinati, Lucia

Language(s): English

Year: 2013

Publisher: Cube Art Editions

URL: http://www.cubearteditions.com/_books/Cavernous_Defile_1.html

ISBN: 9786188038479

Abstract: Since 2006 Sharon Kivland has been reconstructing the holidays of Sigmund Freud. Her holidays—Freud’s holidays—have led her to dream of Rome, to Trieste, to Athens, and to the forgetting of a foreign name in several locations when her holiday plans came to very little. There have been other ports of call en route and many digressions. Like Freud, often she suffers from Reisemalheurs. In A Cavernous Defile she walks or describes walks, frequently repeating herself, pausing, covering old ground, she sends and receives postcards, she goes to the mountains in the place of another after sending another in her place. Her detours increase and her step is distinctive. The book is about walking and writing, about daughters and fathers and women alive and dead.

Category: Art/Artist book

Location: Arnhem