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The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You're Not

The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You're Not

Author(s): Vorhaus, John

Language(s): English

Pages: 191

Year: 1994

Publisher: Silman-James Press

URL: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Comic-Toolbox-Funny-Youre/dp/1879505215%3FSubscā€¦

ISBN: 1879505215

Abstract: The Comic Toolbox The Comic Toolbox is a straightforward, often humorous workbook approach to creative problem solving. Vorhaus offers writers and comics, the tools of the trade -- 'clash of context, ' 'tension and release, 'the law of comic opposites, ' 'the wildly inappropriate response' and more. Readers will learn that comedy = truth and pain -- the essence of the comic situation -- and that fear is the biggest roadblock to comedy. Kill your ferocious editor within, and rich, useful comic ideas will flow.

Category: Non-Fiction

Location: Arnhem